
Year Around Swimming

Hi Everyone,

I've had several families reach out to me regarding year around swimming.  There are several options in the Nashville area.  The three most notable teams are Ensworth, Excel and NAC (Nashville Aquatic Club).  Year around swimming is different from summer league, in that it's a more intense experience, but depending on your swimmer and their goals, it could be a wonderful experience.

Ensworth Aquatics:  You and your swimmers are invited to learn more about our team. We're holding swimmer evaluations on Wednesday and Thursday, July 24-25. Families may visit this link to sign up for evaluations and find out more information. 

Excel Aquatics:  Evaluations are August 2nd... please use this link.

NAC:  Please use this link to sign up for an evaluation date.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


~Coach Erin

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