Westhaven Blue Herons News this week!
Hello Blue Heron Families!
I want to take a minute to say Thank you to the coaching staff, Amy, Cat and Rachel for all the extra time and energy they put into making sure everything ran smoothly in my absence.
This week:
Today: Normal practice
Tuesday: Swim meet vs Longview @ Longview
2909 Commonwealth Drive, Spring Hill, TN, USA
Arrival Time: 7am
Westhaven Warm Up: Begins at 7:30am
Wednesday: Normal Practice: Please commit to our final dual meet by today.
Thursday: Normal Practice:
Please commit (and choose events) for the Championship Meet by today.
Friday: Swim a Thon to benefit Nashville Dolphins
Swimmers will swim during their normal practice time. The Nashville Dolphins Team will join us during the 11am-12 noon hour. Please feel free to stick around to meet them and cheer them on. :)
USA SWIMMING OLYMPIC TRIALS: In case you haven't heard the swimming Olympic Trials are happening now and are being broadcast live! This would be a great experience for your swimmers to see the swim technique and watch the starts, turns and streamlines that we've been focusing on this season :). Use this link for more information about the coverage.
Looking forward to being back on deck with the swimmers today!
~Coach Erin