
Final Reminders

Blue Heron Families! 

We couldn't be more proud of all that we have accomplished this summer!  Last night was a great meet against Longview.  The end result is tough, but we put up a fight... had some really fast swims and won some great races.  We were just outnumbered. 

The results should be official... we had a few timing issues, so if you notice anything strange, please respond to this email and I will double check that it's correct.

Championship Meet Entries: Entries were due to the team yesterday.  If you were on the fence and still want to participate, please email me immediately so we can get your swimmers entered.  Our entries are due to the league Friday, there will be no late entries accepted by the League.  We would love to be able to fill at least one relay in each age group, so please consider joining us!

Family Fun Day is this Friday, June 23rd  

Please join us for a day of fun from 8:30am until 11:00am or so??
*Swimmers will compete in cardboard boat races (that they build!)  
*Family (parents and children) will compete in fun relays.  So Parents, bring your swimsuits, too and get ready to race your swimmers!

Monday, June 26th:  Westhaven vs Brentwood

This is our final dual meet of the season.  Coaches have the event request form.  Please remind your swimmer to request any events that they really want to try this summer!  We want everyone to accomplish their summer goals :)

Tuesday, June 27th we will celebrate the end of our dual meet season with a fun practice and sweet treat during our normal practice schedule.  Thank you to the Templeton family for providing our sweet treats that day.  

If you have any questions or comments, please respond to this email.  

Go Blue Herons!

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